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Argentina, Estonia, Guatemala, Norway, and the United Kingdom will participate in the renewal process.

The Permanent Secretariat had informed the Pillar that Argentine Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Guatemala, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland submitted the letters of intent regarding the renewal of commitment to membership of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies. 

At the first governing council meeting of 2023, each government will have the opportunity to speak on their intent, and at the second meeting the decision on the applications will be made. The Pillar can send to the PS by January 19 notes of support of concern of the governments under review.

From the Pillar Secretariat we will be working with the focal points of each country to present the comments of civil society on the five countries in the renewal process before the January meeting. Also, we will be requesting that the focal points of the five countries can be present at the meeting.

In the following links  the acceptance letters sent to the Permanent Secretariat by the five governments can be found

  1. Argentina: In Spanish, in English
  2. Estonia 
  3. Guatemala: In Spanish,  in English 
  4. Norway
  5. UK