Given the political situation that some countries in the Latin American region are facing, as well as the challenges in terms of restrictions to civic space, protection of human rights, the advance of authoritarianism and strengthening of the democratic system throughout the Redlad and the chapters of the CS Pillar in the región, will hold a series of virtual dialogues. The thematic axes of these dialogues will be as follows: the Andean subregion will work on Human Rights, Brazil and the Southern Cone will discuss the trends and effects on democracy, and the Central American subregion will carry out a political and institutional analysis of this subregion. The objective of these spaces is to analyze the political situation, which will allow the expansion of the agendas and the possibilities of civil society organizations’ actions in order to guide the advocacy actions of Redlad and the Citizen Forum of the Americas in key scenarios. Events are going to be virtual and in Spanish. Details of these events are available on request. 

Furthermore, International IDEA and the Latin American Network and Caribbean for Democracy will lead the event called “Youth activism in civil society: strategies for counteracting restrictions to civic space in Latin America and the World” an in-person space that aims to generate an exchange exercise of/for young people that contemplates different experiences where the different components of the civic space have been affected, such as freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression. The panel will be held on Wednesday 29th March at 17:00 Costa Rica Time, and it will focus on the challenges and difficulties in the leadership of organizational processes of young people in countries of restricted civic space, regarding some who have been in this situation for a considerable time, and those who are living a recent restriction. Recommendations and feedback will also be identified from the experience of these countries and from the perspective of young people. The main focus will be in Latin America but will take into account experiences from other regions.