
Statement by Chair and Secretariat of the Community of Democracies Civil Society Pillar. 

From the Civil Society Pillar, we congratulate the Guatemalan citizens for working to safeguard their democracy, demonstrating their democratic commitment throughout the electoral process.

On 20th August, despite the uncertainty generated by an electoral process riddled with irregularities, Guatemalans went to the polls with the hope of seeking change in their country. Guatemala experienced a fair second round of presidential elections that left the political party Movimiento Semilla (heavily persecuted in the previous weeks of the runoff) as the winner. We extend our congratulations to the elected President Mr. Bernardo Arévalo and his vice-president, Ms. Karin Herrera.

Civil Society Pillar calls on all institutions and sectors of society to support the new democratic elected government, to create a new path for institutionalization, inclusive development, anti corruption and transparency for the country. Guatemala needs to advance in the building of a more democratic and prosperous society that respects and follows the democratic principles of the Warsaw Declaration, and we are sure that the new government of Arévalo-Herrera is going to be a beacon of this effort. We welcome that the current government of Alejandro Giammattei has recognised the results of this election and has demonstrated its desire to carry out a transparent transition of power which must have all the
guarantees that seek to respect the will of the Guatemalan people.

On behalf of the Civil Society Pillar, we reiterate our commitment and support for democratic governance in this country, to continue working for a more open civic space and respect for human rights and look forward to joining efforts to pursue a more vibrant, democratic and equitable society characterized by sustainable development and durable peace.