From the CSP Secretariat and Chair, we are advancing in coordinating actions of the Pillar and developing the decentralisation process included in our 2023 plan of the CSP that responds better to the different regional and continental needs. In this regard, we are organising a series of events in Africa, Asia and Europe, where we will be able to work hand in hand with each of our focal points in order to collective identify the challenges and needs for democracy strengthening, windows of opportunities for the CoD and its CSP, and mapping of relevant stakeholders and international events that help us to strengthen our work.
The first of these activities was held in Panamá in August, with the Latin American group of the CSP. The second is a planning session with the CSP African focal points that will be happening in Arusha, Tanzania, on October the 20th, in the margins of the 77th Ordinary session of the African Commission of Human Rights.
From 15th to 16th November, in the margins of the Governing Council meeting, we will hold a meeting in London with the European and other focal points who were unable to attend our meeting in Panama and with regional networks and global organisations.
Finally, on 20th November, in the margins of the Asia Democracy Assembly, our colleagues of Asian Democracy Network will assist us in implementing the CSP regional meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.
We are pleased to be able to meet again with many of you and to continue working to achieve more efficient strategies that respond to our realities.